
Egit is installed by default above 4.2 version of Eclipse.

The user Guide is here

I’ll explain how to use Egit.
But sometimes Egit doesn’t cover command work.


See git view

To see “Git Repository View”,
“Window” -> “Show View” > “Other” -> “Git Repository“.
This is Git Repository.

To fetch data from new repository

Press center of item icon.

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 21.29.40

And add to URI correctly, other parameters are filled according to descriptions.

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 21.20.54

Basically, URI is git protocol URI, HTTP URL, File location etc…

Item Description
URI Repository path
Host Repository host
RepositoryPath Path of .git
User User name on the host
Password Password of host

Name and Email Setting

“Preferences” -> Team -> Git -> Configuration
You can see Location of .gitconfig and setting key list.
You can edit them by clicking

Git Config

How to make branch


  • Local Branch
  • Remote Tracking Branches

Create local branch from remote one

“Git View” -> “List” -> “master” -> “Right Click” -> “Create branch” -> “branch name”
-> “Switch to branch”: Project directory also switch to this branch

* Branch name
You can see project

* If you want to import, please use Eclipse import project setting.

How to checkout branch(existed)

“Git Repository” -> “Branch” -> “Remote Tracking”

“Branch” -> “Switch” -> “New Branch” -> “Complete”
(Under Proejct)

How to check in

In Egit, we can check in only local repository check-out one.
Local Repository
“Right Click” -> “Team” -> “Commit”
In case of both check in, please select Push upstream