Swift Memo
Swift Memo
This memo is for Swift learning memo.
This is from Swift Guide Tour
Memo list
let is constant, never changed.
var is variable, you change value including type.
let a = 10 var b = 10
This is good example from Apple Developer
let possibleString: String? = "An optional string." let forcedString: String = possibleString! // requires an exclamation mark let assumedString: String! = "An implicitly unwrapped optional string." let implicitString: String = assumedString // no need for an exclamation mark
? : Optional nil is fine
! : nil isn’t fine
Optional var is wrapped variable, you can’t use directly, and you need to unwrap to add ! after var name.
a!.test() // Forced unwrap(if nil, happens runtime error) a?.test() // Optional unwrap(if nil, returns nil)
var a : Int? // Optional, default is nil var b : Int // Not Optional, no initiallization var c: Optional<Int> // Optional
func resStr() -> String { return "Hello" } func updatenum(vals : [Int]) -> (num1: Int, num2: Int) { var num1 : Int! = vals.count var num2 : Int! = vals.first return(num1, num2) } func sum(numbers: Int...) -> Int { var total = 0; for number in numbers { total += number } return total } func resFunc() -> (Int -> String) { func resStr(number: Int) -> String { return String(number) } return resStr }
Return method method.
No template from XCode?
import Foundation class Sample { var num = 0 func resStr() -> String { return "Hello" } class func staticm() -> String { // static return "I am static" } }
var sample = Sample() sample.num = 3 println(sample.num) let str = sample.resStr() println(str)
* If you want to use class as Framework, you should add public.
override public init() { super.init() }
Array, Dictionary
func dictarrayTest() { var arrays = ["Yoona", "Sooyong", "Taeyon"] var dics = ["1" : "Yoona", "2" : "Taeyeon"] println(dics["1"]) println(arrays[0]) // Empty let emptyArray = [String]() let emptyDictionary = [String: String]() let emptyArray2 = [] let emptyDic = [:] var mutableArray = [String]() mutableArray.append("Yoona") println(mutableArray[0]) var mutableDic = [String : String]() let value : String! = "yoona" mutableDic.updateValue(value, forKey: "1") println(dics["1"]) for (key,value) in mutableDic { println("Key:" + key + "Value:" + value) } }
Optional("Yoona") Yoona Yoona Optional("Yoona") Key:1Value:yoona
Power up switch
We can evaluate String class.
Also use method. Like if else
func powerSwitch(name : String) { switch name { case "Yoona": println("You are Yoona") case "A", "S": println("You use Code Name") case let x where x.hasPrefix("Mr."): println("Mr.") default: println("others") } }
Use .
let skView = self.view as SKView skView.showsFPS = true skView.showsNodeCount = true
No header.
For, each
for touch: AnyObject in touches { }
for var i=0; i < 10; i++ { }