Vue – Component – $emit


Event trigger method.
We can use this trigger event by code.

Simple Example

vm.$on('test', function (msg) {
vm.$emit('test', 'hi')

Communicate with parent method

Use on and parent method, child can trigger parent method.
This is example from Vue documentation.

    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="fruits-counter">
      <div v-for="fruit in fruits">
        {{}}: <counter-button v-on:increment="increment()"></counter-button>
      <p>Total: {{total}}</p>
    var counterButton = Vue.extend({
      template: '<span>{{counter}} <button v-on:click="addToCart">Add</button></span>',
      data: function () {
        return {
          counter: 0
      methods: {
        addToCart: function () {
          this.counter += 1

    new Vue({
      el: '#fruits-counter',
      components: {
  	     'counter-button': counterButton
      data: {
        total: 0,
        fruits: [
          {name: 'Apple'},
          {name: 'Grape'}
      methods: {
        increment: function () {
 += 1