AngularJS Basics
Directory Structure and Code
To organize angular javascript codes, create directory to manage javascripts.
- app.js
- controllers.js
- service.js
The order to read these file
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/app/app.js"></script> <!-- Service Factory --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/app/service.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/app/controller.js"></script>
Module definition, and dependencies.
var appModule = angular.module("appModule",[]); // Create module
Register services to use this project
(function(module){ 'use strict'; module.factory('List',function($rootScope){ return new app.List($rootScope); }); // module.service('List',['$rootScope',app.List]); }(appModule));
Register app.List from service implementation as ‘List’
Controller element and event and others
(function(module){ 'use strict'; // Strict mode // Page total controller(event etc...) module.controller('pageController', function($scope){ }); // This is partial controller module.controller('partController', function($scope){ // $scope.$parent. }); }(appModule));