Apache Ubuntu Vhost


Install Apache in Ubuntu

  • Apache 2.4
  • Ubuntu 15.10
sudo apt-get install apache2

Start Apache as service

Stop Apache

Restart Apache


Let’s make vhost

  • Host kiririn.com
  • DocumentRoot /var/www/html/kiririn.com/public_html

1. Create vhost directory and change directory

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html/kirirn.com/public_html
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/html/kirirn.com/public_html

create index.html for test
2. Copy configuration template file for new configuration file and edit
We have nice example for configuration file, we can copy this and edit for our customization

sudo cp /etc/apache2/site-available/000-default.com.conf /etc/apache2/site-available/kiririn.com.conf

We can create

Edit following(kiririn.com.conf)

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerAdmin webmaster@kiririn.com
  ServerName kiririn.com
  ServerAlias www.kiririn.com
  DocumentRoot /var/www/html/kirirn.com/public_html
  ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log 
  CustomLog ${APCHE_lOG_DIR}/access.log combined

vhost configuration file location is /etc/apache2/site-available/
Actual file directory is site-enabled, apache2.conf reads this directory
We create symlink to use a2ensite. By making symlink, apache2.conf reads site-available

3. Deactivaete default, and Activate new

cd /etc/apache2/site-available
sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf
sudo a2ensite kiririn.com.conf

If you change apache configuration, we can check configuration file style

apache2ctl -t

4. Restart apache

sudo service apache restart

We can access http://kiririn.com

