Gulp Get Started
Gulp is javascript task runner like Grunt
Grunt has a lot of features and, Grunt is used by node express project or yeoman etc…
Gulp is simple and suit for small project.
I use gulp for just simple web contents, I would like to uglify css, javascript and test on the local machine.
Install Gulp
Using gulp, we need to install following
- node
- gulp
About node, please look node
After installation node, install gulp using node
npm install -g gulp
Project with gulp
Let’s make project with gulp
|- package.json |- gulpfile.js |- node_modules (make automatically)
package.json is node package management file
You can manage gulp plugin like gulp-connect, gulp-cssmin etc…
Super simple example for gulp
This is node simple server task.
Install some gulp plugin
npm install gulp-connect --save
var gulp = require("gulp"), connect = require('gulp-connect'); gulp.task('connect', function() { connect.server({ root: '.', port: 8080 }); });