Kotlin Powerful when


One of the interesting feature is when.
“when” clause is very powerful feature.
In other language, switch is similar feature.
But, when is more powerful.

switch like

fun useWhen(x : Any?) {
   when(x) {
       1 -> print("x == 1")
       2 -> print("x == 2")
       else -> {
           print("x is not 1 or 2")

x is Any type, we can use number, string, object etc…
It looks like switch, but in this case, we can use not only number.

Use with range

fun useWhen(x : Any?) {
    when(x) {
        in 1..10 -> print("1 to 10")

Like if else

fun useWhen(obj: Any): String =
        when(obj) {
            1 -> "One"
            "Hello" -> "Greeting"
            is Long -> "Long"
            !is String -> "Not a String"
            else -> "Unknown"


Of course, we can use it with enum

enum class ProtocolState { StateA, StateB, StateC}


fun useWhen2(protocol : ProtocolState) {
    when(protocol) {
        ProtocolState.StateA -> println("StateA")
        ProtocolState.StateB -> println("StateB")
        else -> println("StateC")
